About Strix

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Oh, audience. I have no idea how you got here. I can assume I sent you a link or that you hit the random button a lot, but who knows! The point is, I can't assume that you know me. Here's fast intro.

Strix, she/her, 30+, purveyor of video games, books, anime & more. Refugee from various social media websites. I'd link them here but I've deleted them - no reason to stay on when that would be even a small show of support towards their owners. I am, so far, designing this website to be agnostic from any of my other online activities. If you recognize me from these places, hello! If you don't, that's okay. You don't need to get in contact with me.

This website exists so I can write up opinions and reviews with no pressure - no desire to drive engagement, no desire to be attached to a schedule to keep the algo happy, etc. If I abandon this place, I abandon it. It is, for all intents and purposes, a public journal. It's not purely egotistical - I am diagnosed ADHD and autistic and LOVE to talk. I love to liveblog and tell my friends all about whatever random things I'm enjoying daily. This is, for the most part, fine! It's fun! It's... frustrating at times when I want to watch something no one in my circle cares about, and then I feel like it's no fun to watch or play something without being able to talk about it - and boy, it's not fun to talk into the discord channel anyways and know that people I care about will scroll past it with a sigh. Hence this website! I can fill it up with anything I want, throw the link at my friends and run. No one is obligated to read, I get the joy of extensive write-ups, and random people online can see them, maybe!

In conclusion, what you are going to read here are reviews and opinion-pieces. I will mark spoilers appropriately. I will mark triggers and content warnings as needed. I will assume that those reading this are adults who know how to close a website if it's bothering them. If you are a child, please speak to your guardian about this website. Thanks!